Guided Learning from Our Quality Experts

Upcoming Webinars

Understanding MVPs: Should I start now?

Wednesday, June 12 @ 1p.m. EST

MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs) are like a breath of fresh air for clinicians, as they address the limitations of the traditional MIPS program by providing specialty-specific measures and streamlining reporting requirements. In this webinar we're going to dive into the world of MVPs and how they're changing the game when it comes to MIPS reporting. We’ll explore the goals and timeline for the MVP reporting program and take a deep dive into the MVP framework's scoring categories and weights. By the end of this webinar, you'll have a solid grasp of MVPs, how they're revolutionizing the reporting process for clinicians and when you should get started.

Learning Objectives:

  • Get a clear understanding of what MVPs are and how they tackle the limitations of the traditional MIPS program.

  • Take a deep dive into the specialty-specific organization of MVP reporting and the measures that are relevant to each pathway.

  • Gain valuable insights into the goals and timeline for the new MVP reporting program

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Wednesday, June 26 @ 1p.m. EST

For over a decade CMS has been incorporating Electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs) into the Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) program. For the first time, CMS has released an eCQM for the Outpatient Quality Reporting (OQR) program. This measure, STEMI OP-40, is required for successful completion of your OQR program requirements this year. In this webinar we will review the STEMI eCQM, explain the requirements, penalty implications, and submission considerations.

Learning Objectives:

  • Provide a comprehensive overview of the STEMI eCQM and the requirements

  • Explore penalty implications and learn about the process for accurately reporting the measure

  • Discuss and provide understanding of measure logic

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Path to 2025 APP Reporting  

Wednesday, July 17 @ 1p.m. EST

In this webinar, we will explore the Alternative Payment Model (APM) Performance Pathway (APP) framework for Quality Payment Program (QPP) reporting in 2025. We will discuss the requirements and review the timeline and steps for data acquisition and validation to explain how long it takes to get an ACO ready for reporting by 2025. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Review the APP requirements for 2025

  • Highlight any key changes made from previous reporting years

  • Discuss tips on how to achieve your best score in 2025

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Sepsis: Top Tips for Improving your HVBP Score

July 31 @ 1 PM EST

For the first time the abstracted measure Sepsis (SEP-1) will either make or lose your hospital money in the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program (HVBP). In this webinar, we will explore the impact of Sepsis measure in the HVBP program and the importance of accurate documentation and coding for sepsis cases. The webinar will also highlight 10 best practices for hospitals to enhance compliance with the SEP-1 measure by reviewing examples from some of Medisolv’s top-performing clients.

By the end of the webinar, participants will:

  1. Understand the implications of Sepsis measure on the HVBP program and the potential financial outcomes for hospitals.
  2. Gain insights into the significance of accurate documentation and coding for sepsis cases in improving quality scores.
  3. Learn practical strategies from top-performing hospitals to achieve success in sepsis performance and earn financial rewards.

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2025 PFS Proposed Rule

August 14 @ 1 PM EST

CMS has released the highly anticipated 2025 PFS Proposed Rule and as always there is a ton of information and changes proposed that are important to understand and prepare for.

This webinar will review the proposed changes to the Quality Payment Program (QPP) outlined in this proposed rule.

In this webinar we will:

  • Highlight the key changes in QPP requirements for 2025
  • Review changes to the Traditional MIPS, MVP, and APP reporting pathways
  • Discuss the future of the QPP program, including their plan for ACOs reporting under the APP framework.
  • Discuss the proposed changes that encourage participants to move away from Traditional MIPS and toward MVP reporting.

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On-Demand Webinars

Don't forget you can watch some of our past webinars on-demand.


On-Demand Webinars

ENCOR for Electronic Hospital Measures

Thursday, July 25 @ 1 p.m. EST

In this demo, we will show you how our eCQM software can easily help you capture, monitor, and report eCQMs to the major regulatory programs, including the CMS IQR and The Joint Commission ORYX® programs. 


Hospital Quality Reporting Package

Thursday, August 1 @ 1 p.m. EST

Explore the comprehensive solution that helps you fulfill your hospital's quality reporting obligations for CMS, The Joint Commission, and other entities. Discover how our Hospital Quality Reporting Package streamlines the process of monitoring and reporting Hospital eCQMs, Health Equity Measures, Abstracted Measures, and the new PRO-PM measure all within a single platform.


ENCOR for Electronic Clinician Measures

Thursday, August 8 @ 1 p.m. EST

Is your organization prepared to achieve success in the Quality Payment Program and avoid a negative reduction? In this demo, we will show you how our clinician eCQM software can easily help Eligible Clinicians report their quality data and optimize results for maximum bonus potential.


Equitable Care Module

Thursday, August 15 @ 1 p.m. EST

CMS has mandated measures for the Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) program that focus on providing equitable care for all patients that you serve. In response to the IQR changes, Medisolv has developed an Equitable Care Module which allows you to track these new measures. In addition, this new module will stratify all eCQMs by race, ethnicity, gender, and payer.


PRO-PM Module

Thursday, August 22 @ 1 p.m. EST

In response to the CMS-mandate that hospitals report the new THA/TKA PRO-PM in the IQR program, Medisolv developed a PRO-PM module that helps you track and submit this measure. In addition, hospitals can participate in the voluntary reporting period before it is required in 2025.


ENCOR for Electronic Hospital Measures

Thursday, August 29 @ 1 p.m. EST

In this demo, we will show you how our eCQM software can easily help you capture, monitor, and report eCQMs to the major regulatory programs, including the CMS IQR and The Joint Commission ORYX® programs. 


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We use a quality advisor model which means every client has access to their dedicated advisor with no time restraints or extra costs. And Medisolv's quality advisors have an average of 15 years healthcare experience. 


We provide you with our SubmissionsPlus®  Assurance which means we handle submissions on behalf of every client including troubleshooting error resolution and audit support. And we go beyond the submission, mining the data to help you make the greatest impact on patient care every day.

Effortless Data Connection

We make EHR data extraction and aggregation easy for your organization, so you don't have to pay another organization to extract your data.

Free Quality Education

We provide free quality educational content to all because we believe our quality leaders are the ones who will improve the quality of patient care, but they need our support navigating ever-changing regulations.